PIECHA shows EVORIAN RS for Mercedes M-Class
As a specialist for extremely sporty vehicles, PIECHA from Rottweil, Germany, rarely turns to SUVs. However, when the company chief, Marcus Piecha, decides to do so, the results show to be impressive. This is proved by the EVORIAN RS styling kit used for the last generation of M-Class (ML164 series), built until 2011. The PIECHA components are made in Germany and fit to all vehicles built after the September 2009 facelift, and, in most cases, also to the technically related GL X164.
A set (495 Euro) with dynamic spoiler wings and an integrated daytime running LED lights ensures the intended fresh and modern look. Another highlight is emphasized by the light-alloy wheels type “dp1-CC Silver”, which impress with a three-part look and the highly polished stainless steel beds with their enormous dimensions of 10 and 11.5 x 22 inches (set price of about EUR 2,300). But the best part to come is at rear side. The distinctive styled diffuser (EUR 485) embodies a pure sportive line without any sacrifice, which makes the M-Class suitable to be used also as a towing vehicle. The diffuser is designed and prepared in such a way that it easily allows the use of a tow bar. The PIECHA QUADRO exhaust pipe conversion kit (EUR 398), which is simply screwed onto the original rear muffler and perfectly harmonized with the diffuser, ensures a truly dynamic appearance.
A sound module creates an even sharper sound, which suits particularly well the diesel models, with its powerful V8 sound with high melodic quality. Marcus Piecha, of course, does not leave its mark just on the sheer appearance of the vehicle: the PIECHA Power Converter allows anyone to achieve a much better response of the engine. Whoever needs more horsepower and torque, can also install various power upgrades. Marcus Piecha will be happy to answer any questions, personally. The M-Class does not only do well on straight driving, but also convinces when nonchalantly driving deeper through the curves. PIECHA also supplies, from September 2012 onwards, sporty suspension springs (EUR 238) for vehicles which reduce the centre of gravity by 30 mm. Track extensions of 24 or 30 mm per axle (two-pcs. set at EUR 91 or 97) round off its self-confident appearance. Vehicles with air suspension enjoy a special lowering module (EUR 1535). And if you have to get off after a long ride, the PIECHA LED door sill lights make for a final Show Act (EUR 298).